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Advanced Layers for Nutiteq Maps SDK

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This is a set of free and open source map layer and data source implementations in top of Nutiteq Maps SDK, 2.x version You can use it as a ready-made library, or modify sources according to your needs. License: MIT

NB! This works only with Nutiteq SDK 2.x version branch. It is NOT compatible with the newest Nutiteq SDK 3.x version.

Getting started

Usage in your app

To use the library in your app you need to include AdvancedLayers and external dependencies to your project. Depending on your development environment and IDE there are three different ways to do it:

a) In Android Studio / Gradle

Into your build.gradle

// Make sure you have nutiteq snapshot repository:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
        maven {
            url ""


// add advancedlayers dependency:
dependencies {
    compile "com.nutiteq:nutiteq-3d-sdk:2.3.1"
    compile "com.nutiteq.advancedlayers:AdvancedLayers:1.0-SNAPSHOT"

b) Maven (Eclipse)

Add to your pom.xml (full sample:

        <name>Nutiteq SDK snapshot repository</name>
        <name>Nutiteq SDK release repository</name>


    <!-- Advanced layers and Nutiteq SDK -->

    <!-- Native (NDK) libraries built by Nutiteq -->






c) Manual jar file

  1. Download Nutiteq code:
  2. Save them to your project libs/ folder.
  3. For other dependencies:

Test datasets

Depending on layers you may find useful to copy following files to the sdcard of your device, and modify paths in the code accordingly: